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SponsoredLinX Case Studies

Handy Skips

SponsoredLinX was able to take into account Handi Skips’ goals of increasing their leads, and bringing on board geographically based keywords with different targeting for mobiles and desktops. Within the first week, 100% of the keywords targeted by SponsoredLinX ranked
in the first and second positions

Rightway Driving

Within 12 months, Rightway Driving quickly experienced a number of improvements to their SEO rankings and achieved a significant increase in return on investment as a direct result. From comparing data over a 12 month period, it was discovered that organic search made up 41% of their search traffic, while sales revenue increased by 167%. 

Hire A Hubby

Hire A Hubby is an Australian ‘handyman’ business. Customers can ‘Hire a Hubby’ for any residential
or commercial handyman service, big or small. SponsoredLinX was able to reduce their Cost Per Click by 26% & increase leads in AdWords by 67%.
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